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February 2025 challenge - Mothers day

 Welcome to Feb WOW hasn't it gone fast but here is FEB challenge before I forget as I get too involved with STepilepsy LOL the craft ch...


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Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Wednesday 15th January 2925 - Support Day

 Today was a bitt of a fuddle day you know what it's like sometimes waiting for your GP appointment I don't mind waiting as I have a great GP just took up most of my support time but anyway it was all because I have issues with my top teeth from my stroke yes that long a go and now I'm getting the severe pain and went to hospital for it cause I couldn't manage the pain anymore.  It's from when I was in hospital at the time of my stroke a couple of teeth were missing or shifted to the side to add big long tubes down my mouth but I survived. So now paying for the pain, and now I want my top teeth fixed.  It's taking me a while to front up and now I want it and it's my choice I think its because I have great support workers on board now. That makes a world a difference if I didn't have them I'd still be on struggle street not knowing what to do.

Whilst we waited for the GP we had a lovely chat over a cuppa and beat the rain we did take the dog for a quick walk around the block dang it gorta remember those walking photos no matter where we go

I used my scooter of course

We were having a little giggle stick the pinkie out lol

I had to take a photo of the freckle on the spoon I've not had them for ages can't believe how tasty one was lol

Until then Next Support Please stay safe and healthy

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