
Featured Artist

February 2025 challenge - Mothers day

 Welcome to Feb WOW hasn't it gone fast but here is FEB challenge before I forget as I get too involved with STepilepsy LOL the craft ch...


Welcome to my creative hub where you will find everything within the Craft from the Heart Community. I'll post members contribution regularly. Monthly Newsletters, challenge results and plenty of amazing entries and more so please do come and join us all welcome no matter what your levels and abilities are we craft together and achieve together.

Epilepsy Awareness

 Welcome to my epilepsy awareness page, as I find useful information I'll make a blog post and share the link here so You can find heaps of stroke awareness information right here. As I survived a large ischemic stroke in 2015 this too is a cause close to my heart.

note that when I had the stroke I didn't recognize any of these signs and there for didn't understand I was having a stroke until I was assessed at the hospital, I also believed that at the time I was fit and healthier enough that something like this was possibly not on the books at that stage.

As I learned now it can happen anywhere, anytime to anyone

Understanding how to provide an emergency response for someone having a seizure can assist in reducing the impact of that seizure on the individual.

Call 000 when a person has a seizure and any of the following apply:

1. If you don’t know the person
2. If there is no available Epilepsy Management Plan
3. If the seizure lasts for 5 minutes
4. If the seizure stops but the person does not regain consciousness within 5 minutes
5. If another seizure begins
6. If the seizure activity has resulted in a serious injury
7. If the seizure occurs in water
8. If you believe the person having the seizure may be pregnant

The Seizure First Aid poster below shows information about basic first aid and can be downloaded and used in your workplace or other setting.


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