
Featured Artist

February 2025 challenge - Mothers day

 Welcome to Feb WOW hasn't it gone fast but here is FEB challenge before I forget as I get too involved with STepilepsy LOL the craft ch...


Welcome to my creative hub where you will find everything within the Craft from the Heart Community. I'll post members contribution regularly. Monthly Newsletters, challenge results and plenty of amazing entries and more so please do come and join us all welcome no matter what your levels and abilities are we craft together and achieve together.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

February 2025 challenge - Mothers day

 Welcome to Feb WOW hasn't it gone fast but here is FEB challenge before I forget as I get too involved with STepilepsy LOL the craft challenges must go on!! It's Valentines day month too so I tried to use a variety so you can use on your Valentines Project

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

STepilepsy 2025

 Welcome to team Megan Stepilepsy 2025,

GOAL: together as a team raise as much needed funds together as a team for the Epilepsy Foundation Australia 

HOW: recording our number of steps each day, treadmill, walking the dog, walking in the water how ever you can record you're steps


FINISHES 1st December 2025

HELP RAISE AWARENESS: by using our hashtags, linking my social media page and blog where a Team T shirt soon coming, share a cuppa with friends buy ordering some personalized mugs


There will be ribbon and certificate  prizes for




Everyone who participates will get a certificate 

Stay tuned on our facebook page for more updates


How do I record my steps?

There are many pedometer apps you can download on any smart phone take a screen shot each day and post it to our facebook page and share you're progress



Pedometer and step counter

Team Megan 2025

 Welcome to Team Megan 2025 stay tuned how you can join in and help me raise awareness and much needed funds to help others living with epilepsy like myself.

Some sweet Valentines Day Projects

 All projects are my own designs put together with commercial allowed images from Creative Fabrica or Cricut Design Space, Here I'll post a link of each post that is Valentines Theme so you can find it all in one place

Market News Feb Booked OUT

 Markets Update for February 2025 

Feb is Booked OUT

Other Months this year are still available

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Purple Hero Challenge March 2025

 G'day everyone

I'm taking on the purple hero challenge to support epilepsy awareness. I am one of the recipient's  who live with epilepsy everyday, this is following a stroke in 2015.


One day I woke up just not feeling quite right I didn't know what it was but I knew something was up and it was not going to be good. I immediately called 000 and got the paramedics straight away, that was fine but after their observation they thought nothing off it and gave me some Panadol and said if nothing changes your welcome to call back. I did not know what the signs and symptoms of a stroke was, I'm thinking they did not know either.

However I did call them back, same crew and I had worsened they got me in the ambulance sirens blaring off to the hospital. I didn't even have to wait long at triage from what I remember. I remember going into the anesthetic room where they make you sign a form and put you under and I remember the nurse their saying she is having a major stroke and pointing out the signs. That's as far as I remember.

From there apparently 2-3 days later I woke up in ICU in the Royal Melbourne Hospital, they asked me do I know where I am I said Ballarat Base, nope  I was wrong, I didn't believe them until the day they were able to wheel me out in a chair on to the balcony and I looked outside OK I'm in Melbourne I said. With many tubes still all over me.

I was then informed I would be there for a while to learn to, eat talk, walk and learn about life all over again and hope to regain some memory back, I was there for a good month before they transported me back to the Ballarat base for another week just for reassurance, they wanted me to attend rehab for another month or so but it was agreed I was stronger enough to rehab myself at home which was the best outcome..

I have had public seizures before in a shopping centre as well

To this day I physically struggle on the left and with deafness one ear is better then the other, walking one side is better than the other, but I carry on the best way I can and also since then I've learned about the correct medication I should be on and why for epilepsy and stroke and where to get further information should I need from the GP and epilepsy charities just like the one I supporting for March and if I can keep the page up all year I will as

$5 from each mug sold will be added to my page

$5 from each card sold will be added to my page 

on top of completing the MARCH challenge together I hope we can reach our target then some

Learning to eat all over again after nearly having been fed through a tube nearly a month

Learning to walk around and observe life again in hospital


I'm proudly supporting the Epilepsy Foundation NSW VIC

About the Epilepsy Foundation

The Epilepsy Foundation has been working for more than 60 years to support people living with epilepsy in Victoria and New South Wales, providing support and information, and funding research to find a cure.

We use evidence-based practice to stop avoidable deaths, ensure children get a good education, help people get and keep their jobs and help people feel safe and connected. A good understanding of epilepsy is the key to achieving these outcomes.

The Epilepsy Foundation believes no one with epilepsy should go it alone.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Mugs a more

I've been doing lots more mugs near 100 of them now and even had a special request come up too which is on my facebook page. its got a bit of swearing on please excuse the language but it's what the customer wanted 

But here is another goodie I was pretty pleased with

Less talk, more Golfing

If you wish to make an order Australia wide only postage not included $5 goes to supporting epilepsy awareness

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Friday 17th January 2025 - Support Day

 Today was such a fun day I got to try two different sports at the Badminton Centre and found out I like curling. It's been a bit slow posting my support days up I have been busy making mugs and creating more cricuts cards for my first market stall day experience 9th of February in Ararat 

I started off with the Trikes

Then moved on to curling

Then I came home and had a nice lamb roast for dinner and made some more mugs

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Wednesday 15th January 2925 - Support Day

 Today was a bitt of a fuddle day you know what it's like sometimes waiting for your GP appointment I don't mind waiting as I have a great GP just took up most of my support time but anyway it was all because I have issues with my top teeth from my stroke yes that long a go and now I'm getting the severe pain and went to hospital for it cause I couldn't manage the pain anymore.  It's from when I was in hospital at the time of my stroke a couple of teeth were missing or shifted to the side to add big long tubes down my mouth but I survived. So now paying for the pain, and now I want my top teeth fixed.  It's taking me a while to front up and now I want it and it's my choice I think its because I have great support workers on board now. That makes a world a difference if I didn't have them I'd still be on struggle street not knowing what to do.

Whilst we waited for the GP we had a lovely chat over a cuppa and beat the rain we did take the dog for a quick walk around the block dang it gorta remember those walking photos no matter where we go

I used my scooter of course

We were having a little giggle stick the pinkie out lol

I had to take a photo of the freckle on the spoon I've not had them for ages can't believe how tasty one was lol

Until then Next Support Please stay safe and healthy

Monday, 13 January 2025

Monday 13th January 2025 Support Day

 Well today we accidentally forgot to take some photos of our walk to the lake and back with the dog but we will next walk thoe. He did a big long walk over 5km with my support worker and I was on the scooter.

But on the flip side I got  some more mugs to design 3 boxes full these were pre ordered during the sales and they called me on Monday to pick them up and were already paid for at sale price bonus think I'll do it a lot like that more often.

I also cooked a lamb roast yesterday my support worker chopped the fresh vegis up for me and I did the rest after she went home

I briefly learned how to make creamy cauliflower sauce as well YUMMO

So I went town and designed a full box of 6 mugs

You got this butterfly mug was a fluke mug I just love this one it's so adorable it's a large and ready for purchase at $40 just message me with your orders anytime Postage Australia Only

Happy Fathers Day Mug another sweet mug it's a large size $40

Stroke Survivor Awareness mug Large $40

Cancer Survivor Awareness mug Large $40

Epilepsy Warrior Awareness Mug Large $40

All mugs are my own design using Creative Fabrica and Cricut Design Space commercial permitted images 

Sunday, 12 January 2025

NDIS the starting point

 Many of you might think is it really worth all this trouble getting on the NDIS after getting a first glimpse of the application form and process. My answer absolutely!! it might not be the first time round or second time or as it was in my instance about the third time round.  Just don't give up because when they see when you really need it and keep pushing you will be surprised how much you really do need the support after this long.

So where do we find the application

Click on the NDIS access Application Form or call or call 1800 800 110 and ask for the access form

We’ve been working on how we can improve the way we deliver the NDIS. We’ve spent time talking to participants, our staff, NDIS partners, providers and the disability community to work out the ways we can improve the experience people have with the Scheme. 

Learn more on the new improvements websit .   

If you think you are eligible for the NDIS, you can: 

Find out how long this takes in our Participant Service Guarantee

In some areas, we don’t have partners. In non-partner areas we recommend you contact us on 1800 800 110 to be supported to apply to the NDIS.  

The NDIS is just one service system for Australians with disability, developmental delay or developmental concerns.   

The disability supports provided through the NDIS complement, but don’t replace, mainstream or community services provided by other service systems in the general community, such as education, health, mental health services and community groups.    

Our NDIS partners can help people and families learn about and access the supports available in their communit and supports available through the NDIS.   


Some of my helpful hints from personal experience when I first started my application are;

- Gather all of your medical reports from the past 3-5 years regarding your permanent disability including a letter from all specialists involved stating that your condition is permanent and won't change

- Even if you have to do the whole process again for the second time get them to write a follow up letter saying that nothing has changed and nothing will

-keep all records of blood tests, visits to GP how often you go if you needed support eg Taxi and transport, how often you have had falls if any document time, dates everything, if diabetic, make sure you keep a full record

-If you struggle in the kitchen with meals note it what you struggle with what you need help with anything around the house make note of it from day one.

Speak to a social worker from a charity organization who can possibly help you with your application and free home visits with meals etc in the mean time until your process is approved, speak to out patient services to see what they can offer, speak to an NDIS advocate anytime.

I hope this has helped you to start the process, remember there has been a few bad eggs in the NDIS don't let them discourage your disability journey.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Our trips and personal outings with support

 Welcome to my link list of personal outings that I go on with my support workers it's basically a inspiration journal of my travels to inspire others what people on disability can do and even those able to be inspired as well. To inspire others to achieve their goals each link is dated so you can follow the journey too. Thanks for following.

January 2025

6th January 2025 - Monday - Trip to Maryborough

10th  January 2025 - Friday - Goal to the lake and back on my scooter

13th January 2025 MONDAY - 5km walk with the dog  roast lamb and more

15th January 2025 Wednesday- Visit to GP and cuppa and dog walks

17th January 2025 - Community sports fun Day

Friday 10th 2025 January support day

 This morning we had a productive day, I was determined to scoot up to the lake and back with my dog and support worker we did it.

But before that I managed to make another birthday card

This was made with cricut design space with my own colors and pattern paper from my stash

This was a goal of mine to scoot all the way to the lake and back with Harley is a bonus and the fact he made it was amazing.

He was so well behaved it didn't bother him very much about other people around didn't go racing off after anyone.

And this is where he is on this hot afternoon on the bed chilling

Now I'm ready to scoot to the lake on my own, not necessary with dog just yet but I can do it on my own, soon with the dog.

and... last but not least here is my yummy cake